SCAM ALERT (1/28/2025)
PLEASE BE ADVISED that Sophis Investments LLC does NOT solicit investors on WhatsApp or other social media, and any such activity made purportedly on behalf of Sophis Investments LLC is and should be considered fraudulent.
Sophis Investments LLC’s phone number is 212-572-6360, and communications using other phone number(s) should be considered fraudulent.
Sophis Investments LLC’s only authentic website(s) is and Any other website(s) purporting to represent Sophis Investments LLC is and should be considered fraudulent.
Sophis Investments LLC has been made aware, by other suspecting WhatsApp users, that Sophis Investments LLC is being impersonated by scammers, including on WhatsApp. Sophis Investments LLC has informed WhatsApp and has attempted to cause WhatsApp to remove such fraudulent activity from its platform, so far without success.
If you are a part of any such WhatsApp group or have contact with same, please promptly report the group to WhatsApp as a scam, along with any associated pages as a scam, and take any other actions that you’re able to help prevent potential victims from being harmed by such scammers. Please also take and send detailed screenshots of any such group(s) and associated pages, or send any other pertinent information, to, to enable us to also report such activity and aid our own investigation.
Scammers are further impersonating Sophis Investments LLC by using fake and fraudulent websites, false phone numbers, and fake employees to support their scam. For example, one such fraudulent website brought to our attention is, which misspells our company’s name in the URL, and fraudulently copies and impersonates our website, except that it uses the fraudulent phone number of 517-202-7175. Sophis Investments LLC is taking all measures, including working with the appropriate authorities, to identify and bring to justice such scammers.
Always stay vigilant from scammers.
The following are example screenshots of a fraudulent WhatsApp group currently impersonating Sophis Investments LLC and its principals, published here to help expose such scammers, identify similar cases of fraud, and demonstrate the lengths at which such scammers go to scam and defraud: